Intended contribution (My intended contribution to the Town Hall Meeting of the Joint Select Committee on Social Services and Public Administration) The point I want to make today is about the way the country as a whole is addressing and attempting to combat the burgeoning problem of NCDs and obesity.…
Bite by Bite: How Overconsumption, Not Inactivity, Fuels Obesity in Trinidad and Tobago
Introduction In the last blog post, the author mentioned that Trinidad and Tobago has a burgeoning obesity problem in which 1 in 2 adults and 1 in 2 children are either overweight or obese. Being overweight or obese is a significant risk factor in the development of chronic disease and…
The Fallacy of ‘Personal Responsibility’ in Battling Obesity
Trinidad and Tobago has an obesity rate that is getting worse with time. This increase has been especially noticeable in the paediatric and adolescent population in the country. The levels of obesity in children were so concerning that there was a Joint Select Committee formed in 2019 within the Trinidad…